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social control

Safety from Surveillance

In their fight to get ShotSpotter out of Chicago, organizers have emphasized the ways that for-profit technology can never deliver on its promises to make communities safer.

Ed Vogel & Sharah Hutson

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Soft Boiled

Most crime novels make detectives into heroes and offer resolution through punishment. Could a different kind of crime novel help us imagine a decarceral future?

Joshua Perry

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Remedying Wrongs

The administrative remedy process is a roadblock to challenging inhumane prison conditions. With the help of advocates, people in prison are fighting back.

Kenneth Alyass

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A closer look

Squinting in the Sunlight

Most reentry programs assume a person who is able to work and live on their own. Those of us who are older don’t have that kind of freedom.

William Kissinger

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Life Inside

Unsettled People

Prison transfers are routinely used to punish, disorient, and isolate incarcerated people, disconnecting them from family, friends, community, and all sense of place.

Stephen Wilson

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Community Is a Verb

Defund gives us a platform and pathway to reimagine a society with less police, more care, and services that meet the needs of all.

CalvinJohn Smiley

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All of the Above

Prosecutors alone won’t end mass incarceration. But their interventions can mean the world to people staring down the many harms of criminalization.

Premal Dharia

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Not a Fix-All

Electing progressive prosecutors is but one tool in a multifaceted, collaborative approach to ending mass incarceration.

David Ayala

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system actors

The Best Prospect

Not all so-called progressive prosecutors are doing enough to dismantle mass incarceration. But they’re better than the alternative.

Angela J. Davis

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Power to the Voters

Progressive prosecutors have delivered tangible and rapid wins to a grassroots movement seeking to end mass incarceration.

Larry Krasner

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Beyond Reform

Maybe, If . . .

Believing that prosecutors can play a role in ending mass incarceration requires imagining a prosecutor whose goal is non-reformist reforms.

Bennett Capers

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The Problem Solvers

Prosecution can be redefined to focus on effective problem-solving through policies and initiatives that make us a safer, healthier community.

Mary Moriarty

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lead essay

The Prosecutor Paradox

Can a prosecutor, even a progressive or reform-minded one, really help dismantle mass incarceration?

Premal Dharia, James Forman Jr. & Maria Hawilo

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Immobilized Immigrants

Hardened, remote detention centers shape the experience of immigration imprisonment. Yet even there, a radically different future is possible.

Sarah Lopez

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Film review

Big-Screen Abolition

Films that imagine decarceral futures are a cultural antidote for the carceral messages and aesthetics so prevalent in popular media.

Michelle Brown

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Abolitionist Social Work

Social work must be anti-carceral, against oppression, and committed to ending the systems, structures, and ideologies that cause people harm.

The Network to Advance Abolitionist Social Work

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Safety Without Police

Even before the uprisings in Minneapolis, communities have been radically reimagining a world that doesn’t depend on policing.

Michelle Phelps

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In the States

The Phantom Prison

Incarcerated people who work as firefighters have not escaped the prison; the prison has merely followed them outdoors.

Sebastian Miller

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Picturing the Crisis

A new book uses art to make the horrors of mass incarceration as visual, and visceral, as possible.

Vic Liu, James Kilgore & Adam McGee

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A Safer, Healthier Boston

In seeking funding for non-carceral mental health crisis response, we're hoping to bring a small piece of our abolitionist horizon to our city.

Emy Takinami & Husain Rizvi

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Building Carcerality

Architects and designers must reckon with their role in the past and future of mass incarceration.

Dana McKinney White & Lisa Haber-Thomson

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Letcher Is Us

A new prison won’t fix the many problems that afflict our community. Only a vision for, and investment in, a different future will.

Artie Ann Bates

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A Narrative of Control

Mass incarceration rests on false narratives that carceral institutions themselves control. But some of us are fighting back.

Lyle C. May

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For the Public Good

While on parole in Oregon, homelessness, unemployment, and lack of services kept me in survival mode. This is not public safety.

Wesley Vaughan

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in conversation

Unlocking Learning

Education is integral to centering the holistic well-being of incarcerated people.

Mneesha Gellman & Daven McQueen

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first person

Hell Is Real and It Is Beige

Some of the greatest violence of prisons is hidden, in plain view, within their banality.

Vic Liu

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Beyond Reform

Disability Justice Demands Abolition

When people need care, then the solution should be to get them care, not increase the risk of police violence.

Katie Tastrom

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‘I’m Just Different, That’s All’

We embrace nonconformity in principle—but not for Black men, whose quirks can provoke fear, policing, and punishment.

Monica Bell

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National Poetry Month: Wayne Grant

“The Names They Call Us”

Wayne Grant

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first person

The Banality of Mandatory Surcharges

In New York and elsewhere, exploitative court-ordered fees shouldn't saddle a person who is already poor and criminalized.

Eric Paris Whitfield

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