Freeing the Mind
An incarcerated researcher explores how childhood trauma often shapes the lives of those in prison.
145 posts in ‘Decarceral Pathways’
An incarcerated researcher explores how childhood trauma often shapes the lives of those in prison.
Serving in the jury system, and preserving it, should be a goal for anyone committed to ending the scope and scale of mass incarceration.
Defense lawyers should be open to advising their clients about systemic oppression, laying bare the ways that mass incarceration ensnares.
A new generation of anti-deportation activists leaves no one behind, fighting to end the harms of the entire punishment industry.
In my many years as a public defender, I accepted the legal rationales for pretrial detention. But I can’t anymore.
The United States has long treated street and corporate wrongdoing differently. Looking beyond this dichotomy can help us end mass incarceration.
Now more than ever communities must protect our own, even as we prepare for a long battle.
Restorative justice seeks to address the root causes of violence—while also doing the work of healing the grief caused by it.
Most judges in Los Angeles are former prosecutors. But a leadership academy there is helping a pair of public defenders to challenge that status quo.
Ahead of the election, immigrants' rights advocates are working hard to be ready, no matter who wins.
Should advocates looking to unwind our nation’s punitive excesses engage a Supreme Court that set them in motion?
California is discovering the hard way that you can’t leave decarceral reforms in the hands of prison officials.
Once a person is imprisoned, indigent defense stops. But the gravity of mass incarceration demands legal representation to the very end.
Today’s labor movements must see the carceral state not just as a related progressive battle, but as central to the struggle for workers’ rights.
Ending prison slavery and giving fair wages to incarcerated workers are necessary steps on the pathway to justice.
What does genuine safety look like? And what will it take to prioritize it rather than simply managing inequality and other injustices?
Three activists from 'the Michael Brown generation' reflect on what changed in St. Louis after the uprisings—and what didn’t.
Participatory defense gives families and communities an opportunity to protect their own in courtroom spaces that have long robbed them of power.
In their fight to get ShotSpotter out of Chicago, organizers have emphasized the ways that for-profit technology can never deliver on its promises to make communities safer.
The administrative remedy process is a roadblock to challenging inhumane prison conditions. With the help of advocates, people in prison are fighting back.
Most reentry programs assume a person who is able to work and live on their own. Those of us who are older don’t have that kind of freedom.
Defund gives us a platform and pathway to reimagine a society with less police, more care, and services that meet the needs of all.
Prosecutors alone won’t end mass incarceration. But their interventions can mean the world to people staring down the many harms of criminalization.
Electing progressive prosecutors is but one tool in a multifaceted, collaborative approach to ending mass incarceration.
Not all so-called progressive prosecutors are doing enough to dismantle mass incarceration. But they’re better than the alternative.
Progressive prosecutors have delivered tangible and rapid wins to a grassroots movement seeking to end mass incarceration.
Believing that prosecutors can play a role in ending mass incarceration requires imagining a prosecutor whose goal is non-reformist reforms.
Prosecution can be redefined to focus on effective problem-solving through policies and initiatives that make us a safer, healthier community.
Can a prosecutor, even a progressive or reform-minded one, really help dismantle mass incarceration?
Social work must be anti-carceral, against oppression, and committed to ending the systems, structures, and ideologies that cause people harm.