Abolition Is Public Health
The largest public health professional organization in the U.S. took a stand against carceral systems as fundamentally antithetical to public health. Here’s why that matters.
71 posts in ‘Futures’
The largest public health professional organization in the U.S. took a stand against carceral systems as fundamentally antithetical to public health. Here’s why that matters.
A growing carceral state has slowly replaced the coal industry in large swaths of Central Appalachia. But even here, a different future is possible.
Emboldened reactionaries tried to get voters to super-fund our city’s police force. But we out-organized them, and they lost badly. Here’s how we did it.
The criminal legal system almost took my life from me. The anger that came after now fuels my life’s work.
For those of us on the inside who believe in prison abolition by any means necessary, prison closures really mean prison closures. The state and some of my fellow prisoners…
Before bold, decarceral changes can become a reality, community organizers tirelessly move the policy needle in other ways. Here’s how they did it in Illinois.
Dismantling the machine that is mass incarceration requires all of us to think outside the box.
For alternative responses to policing to work and reduce the footprint of the criminal legal system, they must work in concert and holistically to address both immediate and longer-term social…
Shifting the narrative and policies on gun violence to include killings by police may spare many families from the pain of losing loved ones.
The work of addressing harm without more prisons, police, and punitiveness is daunting. But it can be done. And it’s happening now.
The carceral system dehumanizes not just the people we condemn, but also its massive workforce.